Telehealth. Done Safely.
We offer telehealth where it is safe and clinically appropriate to do so. It is a suitable option for patients who have been seen by one of our GPs and have an existing relationship with them.
Test Result Discussions
In many cases, test results can be provided and discussed over telehealth.
Repeat Prescriptions
In most cases, repeat scripts for longstanding medications can be provided.
Specialist Referrals
Referrals can be made in circumstances where you have had a recent in-person assessment by a Perth Home GP.
Mental Health
Telehealth is an excellent tool for managing many mental health conditions.
Respiratory Reviews
We provide reviews for patients with respiratory symptoms including COVID-19 and can prescribe COVID antivirals if required.
Paediatric GP Care
We provide care for a wide range of paediatric conditions and can provide referrals to a paediatrician if needed.
Pain Assessments
Some pain complaints cannot be adequately managed without a physical examination and may require a home visit or referral to ED.
Serious Illness
Some patients with serious illness cannot be safely managed over telehealth and may require a home visit or referral to ED.
We understand the importance of clear and straightforward pricing in healthcare. That’s why we’re committed to being 100% transparent with our costs. Please complete the simple form below to help you navigate through our fee structure.
Important information
If you’re enrolled in Medicare you’re eligible for the Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN). Once your out-of-pocket medical expenses reach the threshold (below) in a calendar year, Medicare will cover up to 80% of any further out-of-pocket expenses you have for out-of-hospital medical services that are subsidised under the MBS. You don’t need to register if you are an individual with no dependants. Medicare keeps a tally of all your out of pocket expenses and gap amounts. If you are part of a family or couple you will need to register online – that way you will reach the threshold sooner. You only have to register once.
EMSN Thresholds (2024)
$811.80 – Concession card holders or Family Tax Benefit Part A
$2,544.30 – All others
When Do We Operate?
Our receptionists are available to schedule telehealth appointments:
- Monday: 24 hours
- Tuesday: 24 hours
- Wednesday: 24 hours
- Thursday: 24 hours
- Friday: 24 hours
- Weekends and public holidays: 24 hours
We are a private billing practice however some telehealth services can be bulk billed. See our fees page to learn more.
Are you needing a GP home visit for routine or urgent care? Check out our Daytime GP Home Visit Service!
You can be located anywhere in Australia to Sou access a telehealth consultation with a Perth Home GP. We undertake home visits within the Perth metropolitan area only. For a list of home visit suburbs we currently service, see our full service area.